Tuesday 13 March 2012

Speaking Pairwork 6: Role-play a Tourist in Your Own Town

Click here for ‘The Basic Method for Speaking Pairwork’

Ask the students to imagine they’re a foreign tourist visiting the students’ town. Go round the class and get them all to choose a different country of origin for their tourist.

Try to elicit from them questions you might ask a tourist. Help them along and prompt them until you have something like this written on the board:

Where are you from?
How long have you been in _ _ _ _ _?
How long are you staying?
What places have you been to so far?
What’s your favourite thing so far?
Who are you travelling with?
Where are you staying?
Have you tried  _ _ _ _ _? (name a local activity or food)
Have you been to  _ _ _ _ _?  (name a local place of interest)

Tell the students they will be asking each other these questions in a moment and give them 5-10 minutes to prepare answers and dream up a persona. Then set them talking in pairs with one being the local and the other the tourist, swapping roles once they’ve finished. Encourage them to ask other questions of each other as if they were really interviewing a foreigner.

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