Saturday 24 March 2012

Speaking Pairwork 16: Present Perfect - 3 Functions and 3 Sets of Survey Questions

Click here for ‘The Basic Method for Speaking Pairwork’

These exercises are for students who are already familiar with the separate functions of the present perfect tense, and know their past participles and how to use ‘since’ and ‘for’. They should also be able to use the simple past tense with no problem since- as you must emphasise to them – often we switch from an initial present perfect question to asking for follow-up details in the past simple.

Function 1: Talking about experiences, with ‘ever’

Just write on the board ‘Have you ever  (+ past participle) + _ _ _ _?’ and tell the students to make up 5 questions. If there’s a verb table in their textbooks they can use that. You can split the table up into segments and assign each student a portion so as to get a wide variety of verbs and questions.

Survey questions here will be things like:

Have you ever been to Japan?
Have you ever seen a tiger?
Have you ever eaten anything weird?
Have you ever stayed up all night?
Have you ever failed an exam?

Function 2: Talking about how long something has been happening, with ‘since’ and ‘for’

Survey questions here will be things like:

How long have you lived in this town?
How long have you worked at your job? studied at your school/university?

How long has your father owned his car?
How long have you known your best friend?
How long have you had that shirt/that dress/those glasses/that hair-style? (pointing to the relevant thing belonging to the other student)

Emphasise to the students that they must write questions that anyone can answer.

Function 3:  Talking about recent events, using time-phrases or ‘yet’ or ‘since’

Survey questions here will be things like:

Have you had dinner yet?
Have you seen any movies this week?
Have you bought anything expensive this month?
Have you done anything interesting since the weekend?
Have you drunk more than one cup of coffee today?

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