Saturday 17 March 2012

Speaking Pairwork 10: Have You Ever Said/Done Anything _ _ _ _?

Click here for ‘The Basic Method for Speaking Pairwork’

Write on the board:
‘Have You Ever Said/Done Anything + ADJECTIVE or PHRASE’

under ADJECTIVE write examples like:

stupid, brave, funny, kind, rude, dangerous, exciting, boring

To show the students how this structure can be used, ask one of them ‘have you ever said anything funny?’ and a few follow-up questions to their answer, then ask another ‘have you ever done anything dangerous?’and again a few follow-up questions.

under PHRASE write examples like:

that you regretted
that made someone angry/cry/proud of you
that made you popular
that cost a lot of money
that got you into trouble
that caused a fight
that was very lucky

Tell them there are many, many other phrases they can use.

Ask them to write 5 questions using this structure, two with adjectives and 3 with phrases.  As usual, check the sentences when they’re finished writing and then get them talking in pairs.


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