Saturday 24 March 2012

Speaking Pairwork 15: 5 Survey Questions About Places

Click here for ‘The Basic Method for Speaking Pairwork’

The students simple have to compose and then ask each other 5 survey questions about places. Do some examples on the board first like:

What place would you like to go to? Not like to go to?
What place would you like to go back to? Not like to go back to?
What place is important for your family?
What place in the world do you think is unique? glamourous? depressing?
What do you think is the coldest/ most expensive/ most fashionable/ most dangerous place in the world?
What beach have you been to most often in your life?
What’s your favourite big city?
Where did your parents meet? Have you ever been there?
What’s your home-town? Tell me about it.

Tell the students to think of cities, towns, villages, resorts, tourist attractions.

As ever, they should also ask follow-up questions.

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