Saturday 17 March 2012

Speaking Pairwork 12: Role-play an Exciting and/or Unusual Job

Click here for ‘The Basic Method for Speaking Pairwork’

Tell students to think of an exciting and/or unusual job. Give them examples like astronaut, stuntman, pop singer, prime minister. Get them to say their job straight-out so that there are no repeats.

Elicit from them and prompt them until you have a lot of questions on the board like:

What do you do?
Where do you work?
How long have you worked there?
What qualifications do you have?
What hours do you work?
What’s your normal routine?
What’s the best/worst thing about your job?
What are your colleagues like?
How much do you earn?

Give them time to copy these questions into their notebooks and prepare imagined answers to these questions. Then they interview each other. As ever they can ask other questions of their own making.

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