Monday 12 March 2012

Speaking Pairwork 2: 5 Easy Survey Questions Using ‘Can’

Click here for ‘The Basic Method for Speaking Pairwork’

Tell the students they’re going to write 5 survey questions using ‘can’. This exercise is very useful for real beginners.

Assign each student/pair a general subject-area or ask them to think of one themselves or select from some choices you write on the board

e.g. Sport/Food & Drink/Computers/Vehicles

Give each student/pair one question to begin with e.g
Sport-Can you play tennis?
Food & Drink -Can you cook spaghetti bolognaise?
Computers-Can you use Mirosoft Access?
Vehicles-Can you change the oil in a car?

Tell them they have to write a further 4 questions. You don’t want each question to follow exactly the same structure but with a little imagination it’s easy enough for the students to come up with 5 varied questions for any category. (Though It’s also a good idea for you to have some stand-bys in mind in case they get stuck.)

For Vehicles it might be:
Can you change the oil in a car?
Can you ride a motorbike?
Can your mother drive a car?
Can you change a flat tyre?
Do you know anyone who can drive a bus or truck?

For Food & Drink it might be:
Can you cook spaghetti bolognaise?
Can you make fried rice?
Can you eat a Big Mac and fries in 5 minutes?
Can you drink whisky?
Do you know anyone who can cook a roast dinner?

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