Tuesday 14 February 2012

Categories to use in TEFL Games

I've been teaching English on and off since 1990, for a total of about 11 years, and have built up quite a stock of TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) games and activities. Now I’ve finally figured I should put them online. This first post is just the preliminary groundwork; any English teacher should be very familiar with this type of 'category thinking'. The actual games and activities will come soon.

Basic categories (can be used with even the youngest students)
Family members
Food and drink
Parts of the body
Places in a town (eg cinema, school. Not brand names)
Things in the house
Things you can wear

For very young learners you could also use Months and Days of the Week, which are obviously limited categories, so not suitable for every game, but can sometimes be useful.

Further categories or sub-divisions – suitable for teenagers up
Brand names
Flying animals
Land animals
Musical instruments
School subjects
Sea animals
Things in the bedroom/bathroom/living room/kitchen

Other Categories

4 wheel vehicles (car, jeep, taxi, van)
Adjectives beginning with A,B,C etc
Adjectives to describe food
Adjectives to describe weather
African countries
Animals beginning with A,B,C etc
Animals which don’t have a tail
Asian Languages
British football teams
Cities in the Southern Hemisphere
Cities in the USA
Clothes for cold weather
Countries which are very cold
Countries which call their currency dollars (USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore)
Countries which have won the (Soccer) World Cup
Countries which speak Arabic
Countries which speak Spanish
Electrical Things in the kitchen
European capital cities
Famous Black Americans
Famous dead people
Famous Mountain Ranges
Famous Rivers
Foods which you never eat on their own (ketchup, salt, pepper, sugar, olive oil)
Geographical Features (cliff, valley, cave, lake, river, volcano etc)
Landmarks in Asia (Angkor Wat, Great Wall, Taj Mahal, Wailing Wall, Borobudur)
Landmarks in Europe (Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, Colosseum, Berlin Wall, Stone Henge)
Languages that don’t end in  -ish, -ian or –ese (French, German, Icelandic, Latin, Korean)
Liquids which are not drinks (petrol, washing-up liquid, sea water, shampoo, hairspray)
Major sporting events (Football World Cup, Wimbledon, Olympics, Superbowl, Kentucky Derby)
Parts of the arm (including the hand)
Parts of the leg (including the foot)
Popular sports in the USA
Sharp things
South American countries
String Instruments
Things – not animals- which can fly (plane, helicopter, balloon, rocket, space shuttle)
Things made of glass
Things which always come in pairs (headphones, shorts, glasses, tights, shoes)
Things which are always green
Things which are always red
Things which are round
Things which are square
Things which can melt
Things with handles
Things you find in the bathroom
Things you turn on and off
Types of Movie
Types of Music
Verbs beginning with A,B,C etc
Very small animals which are not insects (snail, worm, spider, scorpion, shrimp )
Water Sports
Ways to cook food (stir-fry, boil, barbecue, roast, poach)
Western Holidays (Easter, Christmas, May Day, Thanksgiving, Halloween)
Words ending in A,B,C etc

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